Arabic 101 Campaign

Arabic 101 Worksheet
Download here : Arabic 101 Worksheet Week 1 مُذَكَّرٌ - مُؤَنَّثٌ - هَذَا -هَذِهِ Play Kahoot Challenge! مُذَكَّرٌ - مُؤَنَّثٌ - هَذَا -هَذِهِ Week 2 - Separated Pronouns Play Kahoot Challenge! (Separated...
Arabic 101 Worksheet
Download here : Arabic 101 Worksheet Week 1 مُذَكَّرٌ - مُؤَنَّثٌ - هَذَا -هَذِهِ Play Kahoot Challenge! مُذَكَّرٌ - مُؤَنَّثٌ - هَذَا -هَذِهِ Week 2 - Separated Pronouns Play Kahoot Challenge! (Separated...

Present Tense for نَحْنُ
(نَحْنُ)WeEasy to remember.Add prefix نَــ at the start of the verb - just like the first harf in نَحْنُ.The vowel for the last harf of the verb must be dhommah...
Present Tense for نَحْنُ
(نَحْنُ)WeEasy to remember.Add prefix نَــ at the start of the verb - just like the first harf in نَحْنُ.The vowel for the last harf of the verb must be dhommah...

Present Tense for أَنَا
(أَنَا)IEasy to remember.Add prefix أَ at the start of the verb - just like the first harf in أَنَا.The vowel for the last harf of the verb must be dhommah...
Present Tense for أَنَا
(أَنَا)IEasy to remember.Add prefix أَ at the start of the verb - just like the first harf in أَنَا.The vowel for the last harf of the verb must be dhommah...

Present Tense for أَنْتِ
(أَنْتِ)You (F)As we know, both أَنْتَ and أَنْتِ are categorised as 2nd person pronouns.Therefore, all 2nd person pronouns have prefix تَــ at the start of the verb.Remember about 1 suffix?Well,...
Present Tense for أَنْتِ
(أَنْتِ)You (F)As we know, both أَنْتَ and أَنْتِ are categorised as 2nd person pronouns.Therefore, all 2nd person pronouns have prefix تَــ at the start of the verb.Remember about 1 suffix?Well,...

Present Tense for أَنْتَ
(أَنْتَ)You (M)Easy to remember as it is exactly the same as هِيَ.Add تَــ at the front of the verb and the vowel of the last huruf of the verb is...
Present Tense for أَنْتَ
(أَنْتَ)You (M)Easy to remember as it is exactly the same as هِيَ.Add تَــ at the front of the verb and the vowel of the last huruf of the verb is...

Present Tense for هِيَ
(هِيَ)SheInstead of adding يَــ to the start of the verbs,we add تَــ.Example:Sat - جَلَسَHe sits - يَجْلِسُShe sits - تَجْلِسُWrote - كَتَبَHe writes - يَكْتُبُShe writes - تَكْتُبُWe can also...
Present Tense for هِيَ
(هِيَ)SheInstead of adding يَــ to the start of the verbs,we add تَــ.Example:Sat - جَلَسَHe sits - يَجْلِسُShe sits - تَجْلِسُWrote - كَتَبَHe writes - يَكْتُبُShe writes - تَكْتُبُWe can also...